Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if electricity was free?

Tesla is the well-known trademark of entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk and his electric cars, but what about Tesla, the man?

More than 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) invented alternating current (AC), the polyphase alternating current system, which laid the foundation for today’s mass-produced power supply. 

Nikola Tesla, man or magician?

From the invention of the particle beam to radar, the electric car, robotics, and remote-controlled drones, Tesla mental-modelled solutions to problems with such clarity of mind that he could visualise the individual parts of a machine or mechanism in three dimensions. Then run simulations in his head and check for wear and tear.

He even pioneered interplanetary radio communication with Guglielmo Marconi. Whom he later fell out with when the US Patent Office mysteriously overturned his patents and effectively credited Marconi with the invention of the radio; who was, in fact, using several of Tesla’s patents.  

Tesla was so far ahead of his time, the genius of many of his early inventions — used to develop the radio and television, fluorescent and induction lighting, and MRIs and X-rays –- only came to light after his death.

He dreamed of free electricity for all

Tesla’s long-held dream was to create a source of inexhaustible, clean energy that was free for everyone. He strongly opposed centralised coal-fired power stations that spewed carbon dioxide into the air that humans breathed.

He believed that the Earth had “fluid electrical charges” running beneath its surface, that when interrupted by a series of electrical discharges at repeated set intervals, would generate a limitless power supply by generating immense low-frequency electrical waves.

One of Tesla’s most extraordinary experiments was to transmit electrical power over long distances without wires or cables — a feat that has baffled scientists ever since.

His grand vision was to free humankind from the burdens of extracting, pumping, transporting, and burning fossil fuels — which he viewed as “sinful waste”.

“Ignorant, unimaginative people, consumed by self-interest”

Tesla was eventually undone by what he called “ignorant, unimaginative people, consumed by self-interest”— powerful men that sought to protect the immensely profitable, low-tech industries they had spent a lifetime building.

Today’s fossil-fuel industry, a legacy of that past, has fought just as hard in recent decades to protect the same interests — Luddites and laggards afraid of losing their companies to the wind and the sun.

A cohort of carbon-captured conspirators

The title of a new book by award-winning journalist Marian Wilkinson refers to the same cohort of carbon-captured conspirators as the Carbon Club: How a network of influential climate sceptics, politicians and business leaders fought to control Australia’s climate policy.

Wilkinson notes that for decades our “politicians have been fighting the climate wars fuelled by the carbon club. But despite the political carnage, the science of climate change has not been defeated.”

The carbon club feared that Australia’s fossil-fuelled economy would indeed come to an abrupt halt if coal became just the fossilised remnants of ancient plant life and nothing more — a worthless lump of black stuff.

In short: we rode on the sheep’s back for over half a century, and we’re now quite comfortable riding on the back of a coal-fired power station — how utterly unimaginative!

No-one was afraid, just confused at the idiocy

So, what’s the obsession with old-world technology and coal, as opposed to new renewables technology and new jobs, that seems to incite such lunacy? 

It’s difficult to determine, for instance, what prompted our prime minister, Scott Morrison, then treasurer, to bring a lump of coal into parliament during question time in February 2017.

As Guardian Australia’s political editor Katharine Murphy noted: “’This is coal’, the treasurer said triumphantly, brandishing the trophy as if he’d just stumbled across an exotic species previously thought to be extinct. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said, soothingly, ‘don’t be scared.’”

Of course, no-one was afraid, just confused at the idiocy.

Murphy further described the charade: “The coal was produced as a totem of how the government in Canberra was going to keep the lights on, and keep power prices low, and stop the relentless march of socialism, or prevent random thought crimes against base-load power stations.”

Of course, as we know, this was just the beginning of ScoMo the mesmerising marketeer who would go on to be Prime Minister of Australia, and thus write the book on How to Win an Election on a Shoestring of Substance.

Base-load power: the last of the fossil-fuelled furphies?

Fast-forward to the present and at least the Libs are now able to say the words “climate change” without shuddering, even if there is a strange aura of incongruity around them when they say it. 

But in the push for cheaper, cleaner energy, one obstacle, in particular, has endured: the fossil-fuelled furphy of “base-load power”. 

In short: because both the sun and the wind are controlled by the fickleness of Mother Nature, intermittently shining and blowing at her will — she might be cheap, but she can’t be bought — we need base-load power grinding away in the background in an anachronistic effort to keep her honest. 

However, Glen Bulled, managing director of Energa in Southeast Queensland, reiterated what industry experts have known all along, that politicians have either misconstrued or misunderstood what base-load power actually is:  

“Base-load power has been used to refer to the minimum power output that coal-fired power stations can generate before shutting down. And shutting them down when usage is at a minimum and renewables are still streaming into the grid, is much too costly as they can take days to fire up again.” 

In fact, as Bulled pointed out, “there’s no such thing as base-load, only load. Base-load is a term used to justify the existence of fossil fuel energy generation — a dying business.” 

Technology has made base-load power obsolete

In truth, technology has rendered base-load power archaic. 

With the flexibility of pumped hydro, wind and solar, and the advent of commercial battery storage, running coal-fired power stations 24/7 should be relegated to the “too dumb basket”. 

South Australia’s Tesla battery that is soon to be upgraded to 150 megawatts is a prime example of science and technology winning over political recalcitrance.

And although South Australia’s “big battery” was severely lambasted by our PM and his co-conspirators, the market operator declared that it dispatched power faster than conventional power stations and was instrumental in pushing down energy prices

Not to mention the even “bigger benefit” of reducing carbon emissions.

It might be cleaner, but will it be cheaper?

Energy prices have skyrocketed over the last decade: between 2007 and 2013 the average price rose 70 per cent in real terms. So, getting back to the “good old days” of pre-2007 prices is unlikely.

The good news is the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has projected electricity bills — in the period 2018-19 to 2021-22 — to range between an increase of six per cent in Western Australia (note that residential electricity prices are set by the WA government) and a decrease in Southeast Queensland of 20 per cent. 

Alternatively, the collective bulk-buying of electricity — for apartment buildings and residential complexes, for example — is also regularly advertised as delivering around 40-50 per cent off the standard price through solar sharing technologies. Although there are conditions attached and obstacles to overcome that diminish the full value of the discount.

But our electricity bill, like life, is never quite that simple! 

In a capitalist-driven world, in which executive bonuses remain beholden to maximising profits, will your electricity bill actually be lower?

Not likely if history has any credence. 

The AEMC’s forecasts have little to do with the wholesale cost of electricity, which continually fluctuates, the contracts made in advance, how retailers set their pricing and profits, and what effect current and future policy changes might have.

And your electricity bill has some additional hefty baggage attached. Infrastructure, the poles and wires, account for about half the cost on your electricity bill. Twenty-five per cent is the wholesale cost of the power itself, and the balance is consumed by the retailer’s profit margins and operating costs.

Oh, and you can add another 10 per cent to the bill for the excess voltage surging through the grid to your home. The allowable range is 216 to 253 volts, and the nominal voltage is around 230 but is often higher. Once again, fixing it is considered too costly.

So, unless you’re running your own rooftop solar system, a cheaper wholesale price courtesy of renewables might only amount to a few per cent off the overall bill. 

And lest we forget, our already ageing infrastructure can only get older and require more and more maintenance.

Tesla’s biggest mistake was that he cared more about the people than he did about the profit

John J. O’Neill wrote in his biography of Tesla:

“The panorama of human evolution is illumined by sudden bursts of dazzling brilliance in intellectual accomplishments that throw their beams far ahead to give us a glimpse of the distant future, that we may more correctly guide our wavering steps today.”

Just think, a man ahead of his time might have brought clean and free electricity to everyone, and averted dangerous climate change well before it had even begun. 

But unfortunately for Tesla, along with the natural world and all of us living today and the generations to come, JP Morgan and his other backers at the time saw his dream of free energy as a threat to their business model. In short: a threat to capitalism, through which they made their millions. 

Tesla was unable to secure any financial backing after JP Morgan pulled out, and shortly after he was declared bankrupt. 

Tesla, the genius, whose dream was thwarted by the nature of reality, lived a humble existence in a New York apartment until his death in 1943.

But what would have the world been like if electricity was clean and free for everyone? 

Like Tesla, we can only dream. 

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  1. Um. Tesla didn’t care about CO2. Why are you interpreting tesla through some modern environmental lens. He wanted free energy and was crazed by the science of it, not the environmentalism. there WAS NO communist environmental agenda then. Stop “appropriating” tesla.

    1. He didn’t pursue for free energy either – he was well aware of the non-existense of such. All he was pursuing was free lunch for himself by scamming money from investors.

  2. There is not enough real estate on planet earth to build wind and solar infrastructure capable to power the world’s ever growing energy needs. Wind and solar can be part of it, but it’s never going to be enough. Technology will solve climate change, just not the centuries-old outdated tech of wind and solar.

  3. As per easily available US Patents – Tesla had devised a high frequency energy transmission system that people mistake as generating free energy. First the system was about 80 percent efficient -To transmit 80 Kw out you needed about 100 Kw in and the system had two major faults. It created very wide band electrical interference (wide band spectral noise) and was subject to the square law of energy distribution. You could not transmit the power for long distances. There is still speculation of some how taping into other harmonics or vibrations of the planet and atmosphere and getting so called free energy by that means / yet so far again this has been only Science fiction with out ant scientific theory showing how to achieve this.

  4. On the comment below I understand that Tesla had a dream,now the question is can’t someone generate his own personal elitricity, in my country power has been d major issue,so how can learn to generate power

  5. The nature of reality is abundance. Tesla proved free energy is possible. We are one family of human beings. Monetary abundance only creates a system of lack, whereas a whole system approach creates abundance for everyone. What you are calling the nature of reality is merely from the perspective of monetary gain against all other factors. It is a system which we can now see has created unnecessary unrest even for the wealthy.

    1. Ah… yes! Someone with intelligence here. Scientists have been working on that. The energetic vacuum from which Zero Point Energy flows. I hope they are in a safe place working on it. Then as now, the powers that be will resort to murder to keep effing up the planet and humanity’s future for profit. Yes, this has been called “lightning in a bottle” technology and I hope we all live to see it. No more starving babies in Africa. The age of abundance. The article says it is a “treat to capitalism.” I hope it is the END of capitalism.

  6. Tesla did not transmit electricity over a long distance. He sent it a small way in the laboratory using radio waves. What use do over distances for TV and communication today. No mystery there. His attempt to send large amounts of electricity was mistaken as the science behind electromagnetic waves at the time was inadequate and his attempt failed miserably. It just didn’t and couldn’t work.

    His hypothesis on ground waves was also wrong. He did a marvellous amount of useful work but his “free electricity” just did not exist. I wish authors would al least consult electrical engineers like myself before writing such rubbish.

    1. Think small applications. I would be happy to install one of the small electrical
      generators for my house and one for my work shop. A Tesla generator for private use something akin to what is going viral now in my part of the country….namely,
      the heat pump.

  7. Correct me if Im wrong but I dont think Telsa and Marconi ever got along, Tesla detested Marconi from the second he tried to make a name for himself, claiming Telsa’s AC systems as his own ?
    I would go as far as to not mention Marconi’s name, though he did run succesful experiments, they were in majority lies and theft of Tesla’s work.

  8. Tesla didn’t really transmit electrical power over long distances without wires or cables. He sent radio signals as we do now even from satellites.

    But the amount sent by radio is very small. To send useable quantities of power that way would be extremely inefficient and cause enormous problems for anything in the way. even dangerous ones. Tesla’s tower didn’t work because it couldn’t. He got it wrong. A mistake. And the higher voltages are in no small part due to solar panels, a problem which is being worked on.

    Otherwise the article is good, but next time please get electrical engineering concepts checked by an electrical engineer.

    1. Yes Teslas transmission system was subject to the simple square of the distance laws, perhaps at best was 78 to 80 percent efficient (1 mega watt in then at best 800 Kw initial out put at the antenna) and would cause erroneous board band radio interference –
      I’m thinking feeling that if we are ever going to find real so called free energy we will have to some how tsp into subspace tachyon particles. Current detectors of such do show their existence; Or at least find a way to build some sort of atmospheric resonator/oxidizer system.

    2. Hi Peter, Yes! to electrical engineers checking the work! That said, Mr. Tesla’s work was not based on hertzian waves, but rather on longitudinal ones, using acoustic waveguides to shape scalar EM into beams, which is a different model.
      Check out “Giza Death Star Revisited” for a concise summary of the work. Or Lt. Col. Tom Bearden’s “Electrogravitics”. Cheers.

  9. Typo: Next to last sentence should read “free” instead of “fee”.

    But what would have the world been like if electricity was clean and free for everyone?

  10. Are any companies even trying to develop Tesla’s idea? And if the government was truly interested in averting climate change, why isn’t this possible technology ever mentioned? I believe Tesla had the best idea, because solar and wind use too much land, which should be left to wildlife, not selfish human consumption. As for hydro-power, damming rivers has led to the Jordan and Colorado Rivers no longer reaching the sea, which is something that is sickening and unnatural. Nuclear power creates a great deal of energy, but if something goes wrong the repercussions are terrifying. That only leaves Tesla’s idea, and the refusal by those who are in power to develop it is a betrayal of the people of the world.

    1. Thomas,
      The ancient pyramids replicated Tesla’s idea. They were as well conductors that harnessed the energy in the earth.
      Big Corps and the Cabal wouldn’t have their grip on humanity if we developed anything remote to this technology. They’d rather see the world burn, which we’re seeing today.

  11. The fact that no politicians have jumped on Tesla’s creation is scandalous. Lack of imagination, or do they like having the masses beholden to them? Some combination I feel, since this should be getting done now, before more land and money is wasted on wind and solar, and nuclear plants start to be built again. Tesla’s invention is the answer to our problems and requires immediate adaptation.

    1. Thomas man you need to think again. Free electricity means massive loss of money to the Government. They dont care about climate

      1. Bravo! This is it, spot on. They have killed people for inventing products that would end oil, gas, etc. UFO disclosure is all about this. ET vehicles don’t use gas or oil or electricity as we know it, through sociopath JP Morgan’s “meters.” All these CIA sock puppet replies on here saying it doesn’t work. It does, and others HAVE made ZPE devices. And getting a patent (at least here in the US) means your invention will never see the light of day and you and your family may be harassed or killed. It doesn’t take much research to find this out, just an open mind, which unfortunately a lot of people still do not have. I went down this rabbit hole when writing a fiction story and I’m almost sorry I did. If any of you reading this are openminded enough, I suggest watching a UFO documentary called “The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It.” It goes into this and all the backstreet scientists that have not attended MIT but nonetheless invented working ZPE devices and were harassed and some killed for it.

  12. The war between good and evil, and energy is the “ring”. Imaging this world with Tesla’s patents released….80 years of prosperity and innovation, living in harmony with the earth.

  13. We all know big business wants profit before decency. Mr Tesla wanted decency before profit, not acceptable in today’s greedy world.

  14. Espero que en algun momento el mundo se favorezca de la maravillosa vision de este gran hombre, a quien lo único que podemos decirle es gracias gran hombre por tu legado

  15. Tesla also dreamed of a world where we would respect the other animals, not harm them, and yet that we do, en masse with wild abandon and no conscience.
    You see, Tesla cared about more than just people, but most folks would rather not think about that.